Ice by definition is simply frozen water but is it that simple? Have you ever thought about why we use ice? By all accounts it is a North American love affair and we use ice when we don’t really need to and use it in excess when we do.
72% of water waste is wasted before customer sees any ice cubes

In an ever-changing world struggling with global climate change in conflict with an overwhelming sense of privilege and belief system that we can have anything we want, we need to rethink our priorities. What of our carbon footprint? Have you ever thought of how much water is used day to day to make ice?
What we know

The average ice machine uses over 160,000 litres of water annually to make ice. Only 21% of water actually makes it into a patrons drink…even then most of the ice in a drink is not typically consumed. Empty glasses with only ice are left around the establishment and poured down the drain at the end of the night
“For all the blame tailpipe emissions take for escalating temperatures, homes and office buildings are actually the single largest contributor to greenhouse gasses. The average ice maker in the average fridge increases energy consumption by 12% to 20%. It turns out, there is a tiny motor inside the freezing system that’s used to release the bits of ice from the mold and dump them into a tray. A motor that is designed to operate in so cold a setting needs an internal heater to keep it from freezing up, and heating elements require a lot of power—in this case, roughly three fourths of the total additional energy the ice maker uses.” How the Ice in Your Drink is Imperiling the Planet
As a rough guess Americans probably each "consume", either directly or indirectly, an average of around a pint of water a day as ice. A pint of water weighs around 450 grams, so the energy consumed in ice by each of us, each day, is around 135,000 kWh. Therefore the American national daily ice consumption represents around 10 million kWh of energy. To generate this amount of energy takes 5,000 tons of coal, or 17,000 barrels of oil. Each kilowatt of energy generated produces about 1.5 lb of carbon dioxide. Our daily ice consumption thus releases an additional 7,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each day, making its own contribution to the greenhouse effect. Ice? - Just Say No

Through the efforts of building a like-minded community, we will change the way we think about ice, create ice and use ice
We will disrupt how ice impacts humanity
After a patio party on a hot summer day, Claire dumped out the melting ice from the five coolers. She thought about the hands that reached into the coolers to either grab a beverage or a handful of ice and before that the journey it took that bag of ice to make it’s way to one of the coolers.
This cannot be sustainable or hygienic. There has to be a better way.
Since then Peter Drummond and Claire Lamont have been tirelessly working to understand the environmental and health footprint of Manmade ice on the planet.
Together through their communities they are exploring ways to find more efficient
****ice and or cooling solutions to create and change the way we use and think about ice that can be scaled and replicated across the globe to ultimately benefit the population as a whole.
Our Community Partners

It’s time to chat ice